
The Advantages of Massage

Tulsa Massage involves the manipulation of the body’s soft tissues, using hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms or feet. It can reduce stress and pain, increase flexibility, and boost overall well-being.


Research shows that massage triggers the parasympathetic nervous system, slowing your heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and mobilizing glucose. It increases the availability of serotonin, which regulates mood and sleep.

Research suggests that massage reduces stress by lowering your heart rate, decreasing your blood pressure, and releasing feel-good hormones. This relaxation response decreases the negative effects of stress, such as high blood pressure, insomnia, digestive problems, and depression. It also boosts the immune system and helps with recovery from injuries.

Massage increases positive hormones such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine which help the body relax. Aromatherapy is used during your massage to encourage this response with the use of different oils that promote relaxation and calm the mind. When a person is stressed they produce the hormone cortisol which increases tension and anxiety. This is because the hypothalamus in the brain signals the adrenal gland to release cortisol and the body responds to this with a “fight or flight” reaction. A massage has been shown to stimulate the pituitary gland and suppress the production of cortisol which then reduces the stress and anxiety levels in the body.

When a person has low levels of feel good hormones such as serotonin, they are more likely to experience feelings of anxiety and depression. This is because the brain cannot function properly when this hormone is too low. A massage has been shown to increase serotonin levels which is why it is so effective at reducing stress and anxiety.

A massage also has a positive effect on mood by increasing activity in the left frontal lobe of the brain, which controls emotions. The vagus nerve is also stimulated which leads to a reduction in cortisol and puts the body into a calmer state. This is why regular massage is so important for a healthy mind and body.

A study found that even a short neck and shoulder massage had an immediate effect on heart rate variability (HRV) which is linked to stress and anxiety levels. Researchers also found that the type of massage didn’t matter – both Swedish and deep tissue massages stimulated the parasympathetic nervous system to cause a stress-reducing effect. Regular massage can be a powerful tool to combat and prevent stress and anxiety in the body.

Increases Blood Flow

Every second of the day our circulatory system works hard to deliver oxygen and nutrients to every part of our body. This constant flow of fluids is vital for our health and well-being. Massage stimulates the flow of blood and lymph, enhancing circulation to benefit both muscles and the rest of the body. This improvement in circulation is due to both the physical manipulation of soft tissue and the chemicals released as a result of the relaxation response.

One of the first things you’ll notice during a good massage is that your skin will look flushed and warm. This is because the mechanical stimulation of rubbing (massage) causes capillaries in the skin to dilate, allowing more blood to pass through them. This is called superficial (cutaneous) hyperaemia.

The dilated capillaries also give your blood more space to move, increasing circulation. This is important because your muscles need the oxygen and nutrients delivered by blood, but they can only do that if there is enough space for them to reach the capillaries. This increase in circulation to the muscles helps them perform their jobs more efficiently, and it may also help with the removal of metabolic wastes, which can build up in muscles and cause pain and inflammation.

While many studies have shown that massage improves circulation, the precise reasons why are not always clear. Some research suggests that it increases venous return, which is the rate at which blood is drawn back towards the heart. Others suggest that it increases the movement of the erythrocytes, or red blood cells, through the capillaries. Yet other researchers have found that the increased permeability of the blood vessels caused by massage simply allows more blood to flow through them.

In addition to improving circulation, massage can also decrease blood pressure in some parts of the body. This can be helpful in people who suffer from Raynaud’s phenomenon, a painful condition that reduces circulation to the fingers and toes. It can also be useful in reducing swelling after injury or surgery.

It is also worth noting that massage can increase the elasticity of arteries and veins, which in turn can also help to increase the flow of blood and lymph. However, it is important to remember that most studies addressing the effects of massage on blood circulation are not looking at actual changes in arterial or vascular diameter, and are relying on indirect measures of circulation such as skin temperature or the amount of erythrocytes in the blood.

Reduces Muscle Tension

Massage increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues, as well as removing waste products. This helps to reduce muscle tension, which in turn decreases pain and fatigue. It also stimulates the production of serotonin, a hormone that calms the nervous system. Serotonin also decreases the excitability of muscles, decreasing the tightness that can result from over-training or injury.

Tight muscle tissue can increase the amount of stress and tension a person feels because it restricts movement, often causing pain as a result. In addition, this tightness can lead to a lack of flexibility and reduced range of motion around the joints.

When muscles are tight, they shorten the muscle fibers, which limits movement. Massage increases the temperature of the soft tissue and helps to elongate the fibers, allowing for increased flexibility and range of motion. In addition, massage can decrease tension by increasing psychological relaxation and increasing tissue elasticity.

Aside from relieving muscle tension, massage can help with pain caused by myofascial tissue knots. These knots can be felt as lumps under the skin and are caused by overuse or injury. Massage helps to release these knots and restore the myofascial tissue to its normal function, preventing pain in other areas of the body as a result.

Inflammation is a natural part of the body’s healing process, but too much can damage cells and nerves. Studies have shown that massage can reduce the inflammation associated with muscle injuries by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines. It can also increase the number of mitochondria, which are the powerhouses of the cell that produce ATP, the energy needed for cell function and repair.

The light pressure applied by massage also triggers the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for regulating the return to a resting state after emotional or physical stress. This effect can be seen in the reduction of heart and breathing rate, blood pressure, cortisol levels and the production of stress hormones. It can also be seen in an increase in the level of oxytocin, another hormone that promotes the relaxation of the body.

Increases Endorphins

Massage causes a release of endorphins, which are natural chemicals that block pain signals in the brain. They also increase serotonin and dopamine levels which improve mood, sleep quality and concentration. As a result, a person feels euphoric, or high, after a good massage. A famed Victorian physician, Dr. Dowse, summed it up thusly: “The mind, which before the massage was in a perturbed, restless and vacillating state, becomes calm, quiet, peaceful and subdued after the massage.”

The morphine-like effects of these feel-good hormones reduce muscle spasms, soothes the nervous system, and can decrease anxiety and depression. They also increase blood flow, which helps the body eliminate toxins. In addition, these chemicals boost your immune system and can help you eat less and gain weight more easily.

Another result of the endorphins is that they inhibit the production of cortisol and other stress hormones, and increase parasympathetic activity, which promotes relaxation and sleepiness. The lowering of adrenaline and norepinephrine can also help ease the symptoms of some chronic health conditions.

It also increases oxytocin, which is known as the “love hormone” or the “cuddle hormone.” This is released during skin-on-skin contact, such as when a mother cuddles her infant or when two people kiss. It is believed that this hormone is responsible for many of the positive emotional bonds we experience in life.

It also seems to increase the amount of dopamine in the brain, which enhances motivation and inspires creativity and fine motor movement. Low levels of dopamine are linked to depression, obsessive-compulsive behavior and a host of other medical conditions. In addition, this hormone has been shown to have a balancing effect on the immune system and is crucial for normal metabolism. Studies have found that a single massage can raise the levels of dopamine by as much as 16%. However, most research is still in its early stages. Just a few small studies don’t prove anything. A whole body of research is needed to settle the question of whether or not massage does, in fact, increase blood endorphins. Even so, these results do show promise.

Dental Services

Putting on Dental Braces

During your first appointment, boca Dental and Braces will shave and lightly air-dry the surface of your teeth. A bonding agent is then applied, and the brackets (small metal squares) are glued to the front of each tooth.

Small rubber bands or elastic bands (in many fun colors) are placed around the back molars to help close spaces and apply pressure to the teeth.

dental braces

Brackets are small pieces of metal that attach to each tooth. They come in different shapes and sizes, with some having hooks for rubber bands or elastic ligatures. After the orthodontist places each bracket on your teeth, she will use blue light to harden the glue. You may feel slight discomfort during this time.

The orthodontist will then attach an archwire to the brackets. This will apply constant pressure to the teeth, helping them move in the desired direction. The wire also helps adjust the palate and cheek of the mouth as the teeth shift. The archwire is made from either stainless steel or nickel-titanium. It can be tightened or loosened at various times during treatment to affect the movement of the teeth.

Some patients may need additional support during treatment, such as spacers or coil springs. These add extra pressure to the teeth and help create space for the molars in the back of the mouth.

While you are wearing your braces, it is important to eat a well-balanced diet. You should avoid sticky or hard foods, as they can get stuck in your braces and cause pain. Drinking plenty of water is also a good idea, as it will help rinse away food particles and debris.

Although you may initially experience some soreness, it is a sign that the teeth are beginning to realign themselves. By following the recommendations from your orthodontist, you can minimize this discomfort. If you feel pain, over-the-counter ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) and a regimen of salt water rinses can help ease the discomfort.

Initially, when the braces are first put on, a light wire will apply only weak forces. This allows the soft tissue between your teeth to become accustomed to gentle pressure.

This malleable tissue, called the periodontal ligament, can reshape itself with controlled force. This is what helps move the teeth into their correct positions. When the archwire is attached to the brackets, it exerts a controlled and consistent force on the teeth. This constant force slowly repositions the crooked teeth into their proper positions.

The arch wires are made from a variety of materials. Stainless steel is typically used because it is sturdy and durable but not too hard. Some alloys have been created specifically for orthodontic use. These metal alloys provide added strength, durability, and elasticity to the archwire.

Your orthodontist may switch between different types of archwires based on the stage of treatment you are in. They will also change the thickness of the wire. Thicker wires apply more force than thinner ones.

It is important to avoid foods that can stick to your brackets or pull on the archwire. Sticky foods like gum, taffy, and other chewy candies can pull on the wire and cause it to deform. Very hard or crunchy foods can also break parts of the archwire or pull on the brackets.

If a part of your archwire breaks or becomes protruding from one of the brackets, you should save it and contact us. We will schedule an appointment to replace the broken wire or re-tighten the loose bracket. A loose or broken archwire can irritate the inside of your mouth and cause mouth sores. Sometimes, the fractured wire can even cut into your cheek or lip. If this happens, rinse your mouth with salt water to reduce the irritation.

Rubber bands are essential to the braces system, applying pressure to reposition the teeth and jaws. They come in various colors that help kids stay engaged with their orthodontic treatment. They also exert the right force on teeth and jaws to correct malocclusions. Not wearing them can prolong treatment, so they must be worn consistently.

They attach to the brackets using small metal hooks. They can be positioned differently on the teeth and broken into classes based on their function. Class 1 elastics are horizontal and close gaps between the upper and lower teeth. In contrast, class II elastics connect from the lower first molars to the upper canine, which helps correct overbites. Class III elastics reduce an underbite by shifting the upper and lower jaw backward to align the teeth, while front cross elastics hold the teeth together for midline alignment.

The elastics are made of latex, but we carry non-latex elastics for those with latex allergies. They are safe to eat with but should always be replaced immediately after eating as they will loosen and break if not removed right away. Your Peabody orthodontist will teach you how to place the elastics properly, and a plastic hook may be provided to help you identify them correctly if necessary.

It would be best not to let the elastics get too loose, as this can cause your bite to shift and create a new malocclusion. Your orthodontist will monitor the progress of your orthodontic treatment and will replace the elastics as necessary.

Elastics are rubber bands that help adjust bite misalignment. They can also close gaps between teeth, straighten crooked teeth, and help with tongue protrusion or an open bite (which causes your front teeth not to touch when chewing and can lead to a lisp). These elastics are usually placed around small hooks on the brackets. Your Peabody orthodontist will determine the direction, size, and force of the elastics needed to correct your specific problem.

When placing the elastics, standing in front of a mirror is helpful to make sure you can see what you’re doing. For those who have trouble pinching the elastics with their fingers, your orthodontist may provide a plastic hook to help you place them. You should wear the elastics at all times except when you are eating or brushing your teeth. The elastics must be worn consistently, as removing them too often can halt progress. You should always have fresh elastics on hand; if the old ones are stretched or broken, they will not apply the necessary amount of pressure to your teeth.

It is a good idea to bring a container with you to store your elastics in. This will keep them clean and prevent bacteria from building up. Carrying spare elastics with you is also recommended in case of breakage or loss. You should also avoid eating acidic foods when wearing elastics, which will cause them to deteriorate more quickly. Lastly, it would be best if you tried to change the elastics throughout the day, as this will ensure that they provide consistent pressure on your teeth and jaw.

Power chains are elastic chains that replace the ligatures (the rubber bands) used between brackets. They provide added pressure to close gaps between teeth, which can help correct malocclusions caused by childhood habits like thumb-sucking or tongue thrashing. They are usually placed on the back molars, which are more pressure-resistant than the front teeth.

There is no one-size-fits-all setting for power chains, as different patients have unique issues to resolve. The spacing between links on the power chain varies, and different diameters of each loop’s center control which bracket it fits onto. There are three different types of power chains, and within each type, there are several more options. Typically, your orthodontist will recommend closed power chains, as these fix at every bracket (no space between the rings).

We often use separators to make room for a band between the back teeth, then place a power chain on top of them. This allows us to put more pressure on the teeth and helps speed up treatment.

Power chains can be slightly more uncomfortable than traditional elastics because they pressure the teeth more. However, they do not cause more pain than other orthodontic treatments. As with any adjustment, there may be soreness for a few days after the orthodontist applies and adjusts power chains.

Since power chains can trap more food particles than elastics, you must be extra diligent about your oral hygiene routine. This will include brushing more regularly and spending a bit more time flossing to avoid food getting stuck in the ties between your teeth. Also, be sure not to eat hard or sticky foods that can cause the ligatures or brackets to break, which will delay your treatment and require extra appointments. To ease discomfort, you can take over-the-counter acetaminophen, such as Tylenol, as directed.