Dental Care

Study: Oral health, sarcopenia and diabetes mellitus

ONAN, Japan: Maintaining good oral health has many benefits, including those pertaining to systemic health. For example, a few studies have already addressed the link between oral health, sarcopenia and diabetes. However, since evidence is scarce and results often inconsistent, researchers from Japan have examined whether deteriorating oral health could lead to loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength or hyperglycaemia. They found that poor oral health is associated with both sarcopenia and diabetes.
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Dental Maintenance

Why emotional intelligence in dentistry is a vital skill

LEIPZIG, Germany: Emotional intelligence (EI) relates to the ways in which an individual can understand and manage his or her own needs as well as recognise and deal with the needs of others and the abilities to do this. As a dental professional, these are important skills to have because every activity during a treatment process requires connecting emotionally with patients, and those who can put their EI into practice effectively will be more successful in the long run.

Dental Maintenance

Worrisome level of vaccine hesitancy found among dental students

BRNO, Czech Republic: A study of the attitudes of dental students around the world towards COVID-19 vaccines found that 22.5% were hesitant and 13.9% rejected the vaccines outright. The researchers found that acceptancy of vaccines among dental students was suboptimal owing to a range of factors, such as socio-economic contexts, and they called for a greater focus on infectious disease epidemiology education within undergraduate dental curricula.
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